
Sunday, December 23, 2018

2018 is almost over.

Everyone's preparing for Christmas and the holiday season.

Buying gifts, Christmas parties, reunions, etc.

One of the things I like to do personally is to list the things that I am grateful for.

I feel like it is a great way to evaluate how great the year has been.

So here it goes. These are the things I am grateful for.

1. I am grateful for family

My family has always been there for me. They support me with whatever I want to do. And, I can always count on them.

Being grateful for having them in my life also makes me realize how blessed I am. My family is complete. A lot of people wish their family is.

2. I got engaged this year!

Today is finally the year I decided to take a leap forward with my life. Everybody has been asking me when I would propose to my girlfriend.

This year the proposal happened.

Next year, we're getting married. It's going to be a new chapter and challenge for both our lives. But, we're excited.

3. I enjoy the work I am doing

I have been working remotely since 2009. I've been working in the same company for over 9 years.

That is for a good reason.

I continually grow and learn new stuff. They provide me with opportunities to become better.

This year, we also got to go to Bali, Indonesia because we just launched the largest remote work conference in the world!

4. My spiritual family keeps me grounded 

My church family is my extended family. I've come to know the Lord and I grew as a better person because of the spiritual family I grew up with.

This year was a lot of changes. But, God has been so great and by His grace the church has continued to grow.

5. Our house has been completed

Getting a house built is one of the biggest projects of my life.

It has been a financial drain. But, now it is actually completed.

What used to be something impossible is now standing and just waiting for us to make it a home.

There still are so many things I could thank God for.

I can't list all of them or else this is going to be a really long list post!

But, those 5 things above are the best ones that happened to me this year.

These are the things that just by looking back, makes me sigh and thank God for His goodness and faithfulness in my life.

How about you?

What are you thankful for this year?

Carlo Borja is the Head of Online Marketing for Time Doctor, a time tracking software for remote teams. He is a full-time telecommuter, a digital nomad and a coffee junkie.

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Carlo Borja
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines